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Two Upcoming Free Webinars!

I’m so excited to teach some more webinars. People had always asked me if they could watch them later and I had to say no. But I can now record them! And if you don’t want to participate in the webinar but simply watch it live (or later), I’ll stream these on YouTube.

Tonight, I hosted a Zero-Waste Cooking webinar and you can watch the recording. Thank you again Trojan Food Recovery Network at USC for having me speak. It was so much fun!

If you would like to attend either of these upcoming webinars, please fill in the form at the bottom of this post, stipulating if you want to sit in on one or both. I use Google Hangouts for these so you’ll need a Google account to join. Up to nine people total can register.

If you prefer to view only, save the link for each one and watch either while they broadcast or at some later date.

1. Wednesday, April 27, 6pm to 6:45pm Pacific Time: Sourdough Starter

Until the introduction of commercial yeast about 200 years ago, people had baked with sourdough for thousands of years. The slow fermentation of a true sourdough makes grains more digestible, boosts nutrition and tastes delicious. But you’ll need to make a starter before you can make the bread. (You can read my posts on making a starter here and here.)

To watch live, go here the day of the webinar:

Sourdough bread and sourdough crackers made with discarded starter

2. Wednesday, May 25, 6pm to 6:45pm Pacific Time: Fermentation 101

Fermentation preserves vegetables, increases their nutritional value, saves money, uses little energy (if any) and tastes delicious. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to make sauerkraut, the gateway ferment. I’ll also discuss the benefits of eating fermented foods, some of which I cover in this post.

To watch live, go here the day of the webinar:

Various fermented foods, including sauerkraut

Webinar Registration

You need to register only if you want to appear in the Hangout or ask me questions. If you just want to watch, scroll up and save the YouTube links above.

I’m a one-woman show, but I will do my best to confirm your spot within 24 hours of receiving your registration. If you have any questions about using Google Hangout, I’ll try to answer those as well.

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